Seltsame Tage – Arno Schmidt und Darmstadt 1955–1958 - Exhibition Arno Schmidt was an author who lived in Darmstadt from 1955–1958. Together with architecture and literature students we created an exhibition about his works, his time in Darmstadt and his departure from the city. The interdisciplinary project included a walk through the city, different exhibtions in shops, a cultural program and a vast catalogue. Fotos Ausstellung: Felix Schöppner Fotos Katalog: Felix Dölker, Jakob Nonnen & Vincent Brod Betreuung: Su Korbjuhn, Felix Doelker & Helge Svenshon Team: Jakob Nonnen, Kai Ruhland, Johannes Häffner, Steffanie Häffner, Marvin Backes, Vincent Brod, Pauline Borgmann , Katharina Ruß, Hanna Knußmann, Nathalie Grebe, Valentina Root , Julika Quilisch, Chris Himmelspach AS Grotesk by Thomas John * Long list Stiftung Buchkunst – Die Schönsten Deutschen Bücher 2020 Kunst- und Fotobücher, Ausstellungskataloge